Instagram sensation 87-year-old
Baddie Winkle is now starring in a national Smirnoff Ice
Electric Flavors commercial. Why
choose Winkle instead of someone younger? Baddie Winkle, regardless of her age,
shows the sparkle and zest for life that made her an easy choice.
Smirnoff’s "Keep it
Moving" campaign is a perfect platform to show off Baddie’s vibrant, high
energy personality. Keep it moving is exactly what all of us
should do—regardless of age.
Winkle was recently named Instagrammer of the Year, having over 1.9 million followers. Most people who
are 87 may feel they shouldn’t do things—like dance or party or just act
goofy—because society, especially in the United States, has dictated that older
people should fade into the sunset. That’s totally wrong.
Winkle’s words on your
Instagram page says it all, "You
have to love yourself no matter what others think of you. It’s all in the way
you carry and believe in yourself.”
attitude is what we should all embrace. She exemplifies how millions of older adults are
living--and enjoying—life. They view life as a wondrous journey that must be
experienced to the fullest until we take our last breath.
Not everyone has such a positive outlook, but it’s something we can all acquire—no matter our age. Baddie is amazing, but we can all be amazing in our own way.
Start by setting our inner-optimist free. As we grow older, some of us lament about the activities we used to do but now can’t. Shift your focus from what you can’t have and can’t do in life to appreciate what you do have and can do. Everyone has within them an inner-pessimist and an inner-optimist. Deliberately find ways to see the glass half-full.
Having an appreciative, grateful and optimistic mindset has more impact on your overall health and longevity than what you eat and your physical activity, although these are important too. Being appreciative costs nothing but offers a wealth of happiness and contentment. Just ask Baddie.