Credit: Ryan
Garza-Detroit Free Press
Unfortunately, once you get started on your “if onlys” you
can keep the list going for days. I certainly have. It’s like binge-watching
Netflix. How do you cry “Halt”?!
But here’s the thing: the “if onlys” don’t get you anything.
I mean zip, nada, nothing. Not even the satisfaction of “Whew, that was
exhausting but now I’m totally caught up on ________(insert name of favorite
show).” I take it back. They do get you something. They get you to stay stuck
in your past and prevent you from seeing, much less acting on, a desirable
What do you think would have happened if Chris Norton, who broke his neck playing
football for Luther College, at 18 years of age, had accepted the doctors’
verdict of having only a 3% chance of ever feeling or moving below his neck?
What would have happened if Chris had dwelt on all the “if onlys” of his
plight? To name but a few: if only I hadn’t played in the game that day. If
only I'd chosen to go for basketball or swim team or track instead of football!
If only I'd fallen differently on the field. If only I'd just broken my arm or
leg instead of my neck. If only I'd been bruised instead of paralyzed!
If Chris had indulged in all those “if onlys” and
many more, he would never have done what it took to move his arms and legs
again, certainly wouldn’t have managed to walk across the stage five years
later to receive his college diploma, nor would his next goal have been of
walking seven yards down the aisle to marry his sweetheart. He certainly
wouldn’t have become the motivational speaker he is today, nor the founder of the SCI CAN Foundation, dedicated to raising
money for specialized hospital and rehab center equipment for others with
spinal cord injuries. All this by the age of 25!
Turn your
back on your “if onlys.” Leave them where they belong, in the past. What is
done, is done, and you can’t undo it. What you can do, however, is look to
solutions, resolutions and other possibilities, in your present and in your
future, just like Chris Norton. We humans are capable of amazing things once we
turn our focus and attention to them. So don’t waste your precious creativity,
your resources, your mind, on lamenting your “if onlys.” Face whatever
challenges you experience boldly, square on, and conquer them!
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