Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Power of “Wei Chi” Episode 98, Season 4

How you think about something makes all the difference as to how you deal with it. When you realize that crisis is actually made up of both, danger and opportunity, as summarized by the Chinese character “wei chi,” you can handle the crises that inevitably crop up in every life more effectively. That is exactly what you can discover in this podcast. You’ll not only think about a crisis differently but discover a way so it doesn’t just beat you down.

Listen to all Up! Podcasts here.

Check out this latest episode!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Want More Job Kudos? Supercharge Your Work! Episode 97, Season 4

What if there was a way to achieve more success at work? Whether your work is as an employee or as your own boss? Without sacrificing your every waking moment to “the job”? In this podcast, find out how to supercharge your work by looking at what is your value to your work now and how you can harness that value for your increased success.

Listen to all Up! Podcasts here.


Check out this latest episode!