Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Everyone Has A Superpower – What’s Yours?


The ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound is hardly useful these days, given the wonders of CGI. And yes, invisibility might still be useful, but what if you forgot how to be visible again? Far better is to look inward for your superpower, not outward! To your truth, to what serves your life best, not to what others may think (or not think!) of it.

Mine is diligence. Dog with a bone. Tenacity. A commitment to doing the best I can, with what I’ve got, from where I am, and refusing to give up, give in or give out until I’ve accomplished that. To an outside eye, it may look like no big deal. Who cares if I don’t smile at the barista? I do. Even if I feel yucky, I do my best to smile at those I encounter. Or to others, it may look like a big deal. Like getting a book published. Or winning at ballroom dance competitions. To me, the superpower engaged is the same. What I chose to commit to, I commit to full-on. Smiles, books, awards, whatever.

Why does a superpower matter? Because if you know what yours is, you can rely on it, you can summon it up, you can count on it when all else fails you. When I’m confronted with what looks to me like an impossible task, I dig in. I ignore my inner committee’s “You can’t do that! Who do you think you are?! You’re too old! Not smart enough! Not talented enough!” etc. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t. But I always get further along than I was before when I remember to summon up my diligence. Be dog. Grab bone. Hang on.

My BFF’s superpower – well, one of many – is her ability to put things in perspective. For herself, of course, but also for those she loves. For example, when I’m freaking out about something, she’ll say, “Where do you think you’ll be with that in 3 months? In a year?” and I’ll calm down. My rational brain can once more function, and off I go, looking for that bone.

What’s yours? Kindness. Responsiveness. Courage. Resilience. Flexibility. Humor. The list is endless. What matters is that you discover the superpower that supports what you want in life. That you become aware of it, use it consciously, for your good and the good of others. Dang!

Now you are a real Marvel hero/heroine, in real life, where it really counts. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Truth, The Whole Truth, Episode 38

Why can some people express their disappointment, frustration or even anger with a loved one so easily, and yet confrontation is something that totally makes you cringe. You can’t go on like this, bottling up all your hurt and angry feelings, but what are you to do? Tune in to this podcast to find out a remarkably easy way to confront others appropriately and without cringing!

Check out this latest episode!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

You Got This!


My morning was supposed to be devoted to writing a report for one of the trial attorneys I consult for. The work takes concentration and focus, as my conclusions influence how the case is developed. It’s important, it matters, I need to do it well. But “life” was having none of it . . .

The dogs barked at everything – leaves falling, squirrels romping, the neighbor’s construction project. My cell dinged repeatedly with texts that needed responses, emails marked “urgent” landed non-stop in my inbox, and I couldn’t locate a document I was sure I’d saved.

Might as well give up on the day. Clearly, nothing good was going to happen.

Then about 10 minutes into my self-indulgent pity party, I realized, “Wait a minute. I had a sucky morning. OK. It happens. There’s no need to let it ruin the rest of my day.” Whereupon I parked the dogs in the side yard where I wouldn’t hear their barking as loudly, turned off my text notifications, figured no one was going to die if I didn’t answer emails immediately (I’m not a heart surgeon!), took a deep breath, re-focused and dived back into my report-writing.

We do that, you know. I do that. We don’t work out one day, or one week, and figure we’re losers, will never get in shape, game over. We eat that doughnut, that pasta, that pizza one day and figure the diet is history. We assume that a miserable morning means a miserable day or even a miserable life. We really are our own worst enemies.

So next time you find yourself slamming the door shut on your day, your diet, your exercise plan, your whatever, because some one (or two or three) things went wrong, stop. Take a deep breath – or several, as many as needed – and give yourself a reality check. The only way that one (or two or three) things that went wrong can ruin the rest of your day, diet, exercise plan, or even life, is if you let it/them. Don’t. You’re worth more than that. You deserve better than that.

Re-focus. Re-coup. And boogie forward. You got this! 

The Power of Expectation, Episode 37

Does it ever feel like you’re in a really bad movie, where no matter what you do, you end up in a sucky relationship? Over and over and over again? To where you want to give up on relationships forever. Yet you know you really want a good relationship, so what now? In this podcast, you’ll discover what’s holding you back and how to handle it so you can have that blissful relationship you dream of.





Check out this latest episode!